fink tool


To see available commands, call fink without any arguments:

$ fink
        fink config
        fink version



This command is intended to provide tooling support for maintaining configuration.

The config command does the following:

  • read configuration defaults
  • read the config from file (‘fink_<env>.json’)
  • run the lookups
  • format and output the config to the console


If you need help please ask on the fink slack channel or open a ticket. For this it is always great if you are able to provide information about the fink version you are using. A convenient way to find out the version of your fink install provides the following command:

$ fink version
WARNING: Please consider an update to fink version: 0.1.433
fink version 0.1.432
fink plugins:
 * fink.config-reader version 0.0.11
 * fink.bundler version 0.0.27
 * fink.slack-integration version 0.0.11
 * fink.lookups version 0.0.12

fink version also provides you with an easy way to check whether a new release of fink is available.