fink.say-hello pluginΒΆ

This is probably the friendliest plugin ever. It simply greets the user.

Purpose of this plugin is to demonstrate how the fink plugin mechanism works to developers. You can use it as blueprint to jump-start developing your own plugin.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A fink plugin which demonstrates how to implement hello world as plugin."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function

from fink import fink_signals

def say_hello(context):
    """say hi.
    :param context: The boto_session, etc.. say_hello plugin needs the 'user'
    print('MoinMoin %s!' % context.get('user', 'to you'))

def say_bye(context):
    """say bye.
    :param context: The boto_session, etc.. say_hello plugin needs the 'user'
    print('Bye %s. Talk to you soon!' % context.get('user', 'then'))

def register():
    """Please be very specific about when your plugin needs to run and why.
    E.g. run the sample stuff after at the very beginning of the lifecycle

def deregister():